27 de marzo de 2014

All about me...

We have started classes again!
Do we know all our classmates? Perhaps we know some, but we don't know the others... 
How much do we know about each one?
Let's start introducing ourselves! But with more than words!

The Task:

You will have to make a presentation in PowerPoint, in English, introducing yourself to other classmates.

The Process:

  • You can work in groups of two, but each one of you have to make your own presentation. You can work cooperatively.
  • The PowerPoint presentation must have 3 or 4 slides.
  • You must use English language for your presentation.


  1. You have to take a digital photography of yourself to include in the first slide and save it in the folder that your teachers will tell you.
  2. In the next slides you will have to describe:
  • Your favourite meals
  • Your favourite music and
  • Your favourite actor/actress.

Let's do it kids! Good luck!

17 de marzo de 2014

Information Technology's Vocabulary

We will learn some vocabulary, by playing this game:

Let's do it!!

Aprendiendo a programar en la escuela

Este año comenzaremos nuestra excursión al mundo de la programación.
Para poder saber sobre qué estamos hablando compartimos este video:

Video introductorio sobre las Ciencias de la Computación 

Enlace: http://learn.code.org/s/1/level/1

Seguimos avanzando y aprendiendo...

10 de marzo de 2014

Carátula Castellano


Informática 2014

Maestra: Mary Matassi

  • ·       Borde de página
  • ·       Letra-formato/color/tamaño
  • ·       Imagen:  dibujada en Paint, con alguna imagen previa traída de internet. 

Ours folder's cover


Information Technology 2014

Teacher: Mary Matassi

  • ·       Page Border
  • ·       Letter-format/color/size
  • ·       Image:  predesigned image. 

6 de marzo de 2014

¡Bienvenidos a 5to grado!

Aprenderemos muchas cosas nuevas...

Nos encantará programar la computadora y crear partidos de fútbol y video juegos.

¡La computadora nos obedece!